Premier Food Truck's Upcoming Schedule
With summer fast approaching and the food truck builds lining up here is some information on our next three food truck builds here at Premier Food Trucks.
Currently in the shop is another Cousins Maine Lobster 20 foot custom built food truck. This truck is going to a new market once again for Premier Food Trucks, this time Freehold, New Jersey is the end location.
Savas and Victoria have killed all expectations this year and are very excited to grow their brand and control the market with their addition of a new Premier Food Truck.
See their current truck schedule here.
Reach them by phone or email below.
Phone- 732-994-3766

After Premier Food Trucks goes on a very much needed vacation from May 31st - June 17th They will be back in the shop manufacturing another Auntie Anne's Pretzel truck for Kansas City, Missouri. This will be our second Auntie Anne's build in 2019 and 5th truck for the award winning pretzel franchise in the last 12 months. This truck however will be a lot different than our last ones, considering its been completely redesigned for efficiency. So we are very excited to show you guys. We will have their website and contact info ready for you guys when we receive it.

Last but certainly not least, we will be welcoming Cousins Maine Lobster Corporate to the Premier Food Truck family. We will be looking to have this truck delivered to the Los Angles market sometime in early August. Of course we will have some different things to show you come time for their build out, have to impress on the west coast, considering it will only be our second truck out that way. Stay tuned for updates on all of these builds, and we are so excited to share these experiences with you.